How old is Phillip?
Is he married or single?
Does he have any children?
How many children does he have?
Does he work in New York?
Where does he live?
Does he live in a nice house?
Is he an actor?
What does he do?
Does he work in a pharmacy?
Where does he work?
Is the bank outside of Lincoln?
Where is the bank?
Does he have an important job?
What’s his position in the bank?
Does he go to work every day?
What time does he go to work?
Does he get to the office at 8:45?
What time does he get to the office?
Does he park in the street?
Where does he park?
How long does he work in the morning?
Does he spend a lot of time with the customers?
What does he spend a lot of time doing?
Does he have lunch at home?
Where does he usually have lunch?
Are there many good restaurants near his office?
What time does he go back to the office after lunch?
Does he stay at the office until 7 o’clock?
How long does he stay at the office?
Does he go to a bar with his friends after work?
Where does he usually go after work?
What time does he usually get home?
Does he always go home after work?
Where does he sometimes go?
What does he go to his son’s school?
What time does he get home when he’s with his son?
Does he like his job?
What does he like it?
Does he often travel in his job?
What does he need to go from time to time?
How far is Omaha from Lincoln?
Does he usually stay in Omaha for several days?
How long does he usually stay in Omaha?
Does he always spend the night in Omaha?
Does he usually stay in the Palace Hotel in Omaha?
Where does he usually stay?
Where does he sometimes stay?
Which hotel does he prefer?
Why does he prefer it?